Saturday, 31 January 2015


My first son was fortunate to be the first, and also first on which I practised my motherhood skills (which were none existence) on. I learnt from all my mistakes using him, but thank God for His mercies that keep little children.

Many times I picked baby food off the shelf, and i couldn't even get myself to smell it, let alone taste it, but it still ended up in his mouth and then into his system. A part of me felt guilty but I didn't know any better, so I just continued spending so much money on "CRAP". With no incline of where the food came from and how it was made. When I had my second son, I vowed to do things differently and uniquely. Though it took quite some time and effort, every second doing it was worth it. And that how it became my passion...

Most of the recipes for babies are steam the fruit or veggies until tender, blend and serve. So when my first blender broke down from excessive pureeing, the passion in me drove my hubby's friend to buy me a blender that same day, after so much

It is without a doubt that making baby food is the most time consuming than popping open a jar of shelf plucked baby food. Hungry babies do not wait for foods to be thawed and defrosted, that's why I came up with the phrase "plan ahead" and keep in baby coolers for the next meal. You will be shocked at how long it takes to complete making a portion of baby food to last for a week (especially if you a blessed with a healthy feeder), but once my freezer is stocked for the week i'm ready to plug and play", little wonder why stored jar shelved baby foods are an all time favorite for every mom.

Making my own homemade baby food allowed me to give Jayden and Jeremy (my first son who better late than never) the essential nutrients needed to grow into healthy young men. When i look at them now, I know it was worth every time spent in the kitchen.

Recipes of peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, brown rice, pap (ogi), apples, pears, avocadoes.... these and more are loved by my children (especially my toddler who has teeth still loves his brothers pureed foods) and now I want to share my passion with all the mothers out there who want the best for their little ones.
