Friday 9 September 2016

FTM: Brown Rice and Banana Cereal

Is baby ready for purees? Yes

Can baby sit on his own unsupported? Yes

Well once these 2 questions are answered for me I go ahead and start the weaning journey.

This recipe can have expressed breastmilk added to it, it's healthy, it's wholesome and adds a lot of nutritional value to your sons life. You don't need an oxford dictionary to pronounce the contents and you wont twist your tongue in the process of sharing the ingredients with your fellow moms.

1 Cup of brown rice

Pick, wash and boil the rice until it is soft enough to blended.

That's it. Easy as ABC.

On the other hand if you have the already ground brown rice, add desired quantity to boiling water and stir until properly cooked (about 10mins). At this point you can sprinkle some cinnamon on it.

Now to the difficult part of this recipe, you'll need a toddler to help you out with this bit.

"Cut out 1 banana from the bunch and take off each peel gently."

Put some of the cooked brown rice and banana into a blender (the picture below shows some corn added, this is optional) and blend to desired consistency. I encourage mums to taste their baby's food, share in their new meals.

Add milk of your choice and viola! FOOD IS READY!

If you made a huge batch of brown rice, I suggest you store them in ziploc bags or small bowls to be used later.

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